Aerial Surveillance
Solomon Oladipupo
Illustration of a satellite view of a city

Aerial Surveillance

Solomon Oladipupo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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  • Poetry
Narrated by

(And One Million Boys came...)

the helicopter dances in the air

àkàrà balls fry in a pan

every eye watches

hovering with a storm of questions

last month,

Mama Bola's àkàrà pan upturned

on the burnished body of an area boy

who hugged karma by the roadside


we all dance daily too

when the Ceasers come knocking for a pay:

-a 70-plus grandmother grabs her money bowl

-a feverish boy jerks into temporal sanity

-a father kisses his iron rod & storms out

the helicopter dances in the air

àkàrà balls fry in a pan


mother earth dances in the dark

gulping our worries in tiny droplets


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Solomon Oladipupo

Solomon is a Lagos-based journalist and poet. He is a fresh graduate of the University of Lagos where he studied Mass Communication. Some of his poems have appeared in previous BPPC anthologies including The Train Stops at Sunset. He writes poetry to pour out his questions for life on blank pages. He is on a journey towards finding his voice in this genre.

Twitter @solo_oladipupo

Instagram @solo.oladipupo

more in this issue
Image of a young girl, Demilade Olowojeunjeje, dancing
Untitled Dance and Song
Demilade Olowojeunjeje
  • Music
Illustration of a woman laying on a skateboard at sea
A Template on Detoxification
Chukwufumnanya Okeleke-Kooper
  • Poetry
  • Free Verse
Retro illustration of lines
Untitled 001
Seun Osho
  • Poetry
  • Free Verse
go to issue IV

Always accepting submissions.
